What are YOU looking for? 


How far do YOU want to go?


Ready for lift off?


Take the next step.


Are you seeking to grow your technical career to new heights & join our team?


As part of our screening process to bring you on as one of our A-Player engineers and consultants, we have a Hacker Rank Entrance Exam that is fun to take and challenges your technical ability.

You’ll need a quiet space to focus and approximately 30 to 40 minutes.


Show yourself what you’re capable of and choose the test that best-suites the technical program you’re interested in.


Android https://hr.gs/anrc23

iOS https://hr.gs/iosrc23

Big Data https://hr.gs/BigDRC23

Data Science https://hr.gs/DStest23

AWS https://hr.gs/awsrc23

Microsoft Ecosystem https://hr.gs/etrc23

Cyber Security https://hr.gs/csrc023