How to hire a Mobile Developer - Part 1

Is developing a new app for your business one of your 2021 goals?

If so… you’re probably wondering how and where to start.

At Enhance IT, we’ve built apps you’ve probably used before, for well known brands and companies such as Redbull and US Bank. The secret to our success is a lot more than our +10 years of experience. It’s about commitment and excellence, honesty and transparence, and making our client’s needs our constant priority.

Here are a few basic tips you should know:

  1. Start with analyzing your overall idea, decide your budget, and set deadlines.

  2. Look for candidates that have already built apps within your business niche or with similar functionalities. Find at least 2 fully-working apps in their portfolio, download them, and maybe even contact companies they worked for to know their experience.

  3. Make sure they are very clear in their communication and as detail-oriented as posible.

  4. Consider the difference between hiring a freelance iOS or Android Developer - or a full team committed to your project - that can also help you decide what’s best, offer high quality design, optimize the experience for the conversions you need, and more.

  5. Discuss how you’ll handle changes, future errors, and maintenance - how they’ll be charged and what’s included in your project’s first fees.

  6. Make sure you include the ownership of your code in your contract.

Do you have any questions? we have answers. Send us an email to talk to one of our specialists.